Here is an example of what you don’t want in your dryer vent. This particular vent is long, has multiple elbows in it and was severely neglected. All this lead up to the vent being completely plugged. Onc a vent becomes plugged the damp air from your dryer had nowhere to go and it begins to absorb and build up in the lint leading to what you see in the two videos below. This particular vent took over two house to clean. Aside from your clothes taking forever to dry, this causes your dryer to work harder, consumes more energy, and can damage and cause mold to your home. If your currently experiencing long drying times, it’s definitely time to  give 360 Dryer Vent Cleaning a call to schedule a cleaning. However even if your not currently experiencing problems, it is still a good idea to give us a call and have an inspection done to determine if it’s time for a cleaning or not.

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